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Getting Involved in Reviewing Council Decisions

Your opportunity to express views on issues currently under review by scrutiny

Listening to the views and concerns of local residents is an important aspect of the work of Overview and Scrutiny. You can get involved in the process by attending scrutiny meetings, or suggesting topics for scrutiny.

Attending scrutiny meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Scrutiny Commission.

Future meeting dates, together with agendas and reports can be viewed on the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee webpage. Forthcoming scrutiny work can be viewed on the list of Future Committee Decisions (Forward Plans).

Suggesting a topic for scrutiny

Is there anything you would like the Scrutiny Commission to investigate? Commission members welcome suggestions for scrutiny topics from the public.

You can suggest topics for scrutiny by completing our online form.

Your suggestion will be considered by the Commission, and we'll get back to you and let you know whether your request has been accepted.

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