Live Bus and Train Departures
How to check live bus and train departure information for local bus stops and rail stations

You can use the NextBuses service online or on your mobile to check for live bus information for your local bus stop.
The Google Maps service (online or via the app) can also be used to check departure times for your local bus stop.
Live bus information is also available via audio-visual screens at a number of bus stops in Newbury, Thatcham, Theale, Calcot and Tilehurst.
The central system, audio-visual screens and the data feeds - including data outgoing to Traveline for the NextBuses mobile internet and text service - are the responsibility of Reading Transport Ltd (Reading Buses).
What do the audio-visual screens show?
Live time predictions, shown in the format "xx min" (eg "16 min") are predictions of the number of minutes until the bus is expected to serve that stop. These predictions are based on the latest satellite tracking information.
"DUE" is displayed when a bus is expected to call at the stop in less than 2 minutes.
Clock times, in the format "hh:mm" (eg "11:43") indicate when the bus is timetabled to serve that stop. These departures disappear from the audio-visual screens when that time is reached, or when the online or mobile screens are refreshed.
Clock times are shown when live predictions aren't available, for example if a particular bus is not being satellite-tracked.
Service updates from bus companies
Local bus operators provide service updates via their website and social media:
- Connect/West Berkshire Council Transport Services Team - find updates on the Transport Service Changes or Disruption page
- Going Forward Buses - updates available on Going Forward Buses on Facebook page
- Newbury and District - updates available on Newbury and District on Facebook page, follow Newbury and District on X
- Reading Buses - updates available on Reading Buses on Facebook, follow Reading Buses on X, live updates available on Reading Buses website
- Salisbury Reds - updates available on Salisbury Reds on Facebook, follow Salisbury Reds on X, live updates available on Salisbury Reds website
- Stagecoach - follow Stagecoach South on X and Stagecoach West on X, live updates available on the Stagecoach website
- Swindon's Bus Company - updates available on Swindon's Bus Company on Facebook, live updates available on Swindon's Bus Company website, follow Swindon's Bus Company on X
- Thames Travel - updates available on Thames Travel on Facebook, live updates available on Thames Travel website, follow Thames Travel on X
Passenger apps provided by bus companies often provide live departure information and service updates.
You can use Great Western Railway's 'Check your journey' webpage to check the latest information about your train journey, live departures and arrivals for rail stations.