Consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications to the West Berkshire Local Plan Review 2022-2039
The consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications to the West Berkshire Local Plan Review 2022-2039 has now ended.
Consultation status Closed
West Berkshire Council has prepared the West Berkshire Local Plan Review 2022-2039 (LPR) and accompanying Policies Map which it submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination in March 2023. The LPR sets the spatial strategy for the District, allocates sites for housing, economic development, and Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople. It also contains policies to manage a range of development types across the District, ensuring that the right development happens in the right place at the right time, benefiting communities, the economy, and the environment.
The LPR is currently being independently examined by a Planning Inspector, William Fieldhouse BA(Hons) MA MRTPI, who was appointed by the Secretary of State. The Inspector's role is to assess whether the LPR has been prepared in accordance with the Duty to Cooperate, legal and procedural requirements, and whether it is sound (positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy). If the Inspector concludes that the LPR is sound and meets the necessary tests, it can then be adopted by the Council and will form the Local Plan for the District.
Examination hearing sessions were held in May, June and October 2024 to discuss a number of issues upon which the Planning Inspector required clarification. The purpose of the discussions at the hearings was for the Inspector, the Council and participants to gain the fullest possible understanding of any Main Modifications that may be required. Main Modifications are changes that are considered necessary by the Inspector to be sound and legally compliant.
You can view further information about the preparation of the LPR to date here.
What we are proposing
Based on the outcomes of the hearing sessions and the additional work undertaken, at the request of the Inspector, the Council has now prepared a Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the LPR, together with a Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Policies Map arising as a result of the Proposed Main Modifications to the Plan. The Inspector has made it clear that at this stage of the Examination, he has concluded that the proposed Main Modifications are all necessary to address soundness issues and will be effective in doing so. However, this is without prejudice to his final conclusions which will ultimately be made having regard to representations in response to the public consultation, in addition to all of the evidence currently before him.
It is important that any proposed Main Modifications do not undermine the sustainability process that has informed the preparation of the LPR. The Council has therefore updated the Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA) Report and produced an addendum to the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), both of which accompany the LPR.
Why we want your views
Any proposed Main Modifications to the LPR require consultation, and the Inspector has instructed the Council to progress to consultation. At a meeting of Council on Thursday 28 November 2024, Councillors agreed that the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the LPR, the Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Policies Map, the updated SA/SEA Report and addendum to the HRA could be published for an 8-week period of public consultation between Friday 6 December 2024 and 11.59pm on Friday 31 January 2025.
Consultation documents
The consultation documents are available to view online below. Reference copies of the documents in addition to the proposals map are also available for public inspection in the main reception at West Berkshire District Council, Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5LD. The Council's offices are open 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday; and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. They are closed weekends, Bank Holidays, and Friday 27th December 2024.
- . You can .
- . Annex K (PMC12) in the Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Policies Map - November 2024, published on 6 December 2024, did not show the correct site boundary for Henwick Park in accordance with Main Modification 42 (MM42). An updated version containing the correct boundary was published on 17 December 2024. You can . An updated interactive version of the Policies Map showing the proposed changes since submission has not been published at this stage. The interactive map will be updated for adoption.
- . You can
The Council has also prepared the following documents which are not subject to public consultation and so will not be considered by the Planning Inspector. They are being published for information only:
- . These are modifications of a minor nature to update the LPR, to correct errors, and to provide clarification in interpreting the policies of the LPR.
Consultation period
The consultation ran between Friday 6 December 2024 and ended at 11:59pm on Friday 31 January 2025. We are not accepting any further comments.
What happens next
All representations received by the Council will be sent to the Inspector, along with a report listing all of the representations, a brief summary of the main issues raised and a brief Council response to those main issues. These will also be published on the LPR web page in due course.
The Inspector will consider all of the representations and the Council's responses to them before finalising and issuing his Examination Report. At this stage, it is not envisaged any further hearing sessions will be held unless the Inspector considers it essential to deal with any substantial issues arising from the consultation.
You can request to be notified of the progress of the Examination, including the publication of the Inspector's recommendations and/or the adoption of the LPR.