Local Offer: health and wellbeing

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There are many health services available to support children with SEN and disabilities and their families. In West Berkshire, some services are provided by the Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust (BHFT) and some are provided by the Royal Berkshire Hospital Trust (RBH).
BHFT provides:
- health visitors
- speech and language therapy
- occupational therapy
- physiotherapy
- dieticians
- school nursing
- community nursing
- the community dentist
- mental health services
- hearing and balance
- Neurodiversity passports
RBH provides:
- a children's clinic
- speech and language therapy
- occupational therapy
- physiotherapy
- hearing services
- pediatric dietitians
If children need an occupational therapy assessment in the home, this would be done by an occupational therapist from the Children with Disabilities Team within West Berkshire Council (and not by an occupational therapist from Health). Please see details of the Children with Disabilities Team.
Find services on the directory
View all relevant services or click the categories below to see specific services:
Aids and adaptations | Health services | Healthy living |
Mental wellbeing | Sexual health | Therapies |
Information and guidance
On the pages below we've shared a range of information, advice and guidance, as well as links to pages from other council services.