Local offer: childcare and short breaks

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All children benefit from opportunities to take part in activities outside the home. They can mix with other children, develop their social skills, and independently pursue their interests. This might include mainstream clubs and groups or specialist activities with children who have similar needs.
Families who are caring for a child with disabilities may benefit from having some time off from their caring responsibilities. These activities are sometimes known as 'short breaks'. All local authorities need to make sure they have a suitable range of short breaks in their area. They also need a
.The Short Break Carers Scheme is available to families who have a child with a learning and/or physical disability living at home. The service provides support to these families, offering them a break from caring, while their child enjoys spending time with a short break carer.
If you're over 18 years old or are looking for respite services for someone you care for that's over 18, please see West Berkshire's Adult Social Care services.
West Berkshire Council's short breaks statement
In the spring and summer of 2023, West Berkshire Council undertook, with its partners, a SEND review in order to identify the priorities over the next five years. This review was overseen by the SEND Strategic Partnership Board which included the Parent Carer Forum and a wide range of stakeholders, including short breaks providers. As a result of the SEND review, short breaks has been identified as being a key priority within the SEND Strategy.
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View all relevant services or click the categories below to see specific services:
Breakfast / after school clubs | Childminders | Day nurseries |
Holiday clubs | Maintained nursery schools | Nannies, au pairs and sitting services |
Pre-schools | 2 year funded providers | Short breaks |
Information and guidance
On the pages below we've shared a range of information, advice and guidance.