Roads Licences: Apply
Dropped Kerbs over Footways and Verges (Vehicle Access)
Find information about and apply for vehicle access to your property over a pavement or grass verge
Apply for a Scaffolding Licence
Licence for Scaffolding on the Highway - S.169 Licence
Apply for a Street Works Licence - Section 50
Apply to put equipment connected with digging into a public road on the street
Apply to Put a Skip or Skip Bag on a Road
Permission to Deposit a Skip on the Highway - S.139 Permission
Temporarily Closing the Public Highway
Find information about and apply for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO).
Apply for a Hoarding Licence
Licence for Hoarding - S.172 Licence
Apply to deposit building materials on the highway
Licence to Temporarily Deposit Building Materials on the Highway - S.171 Licence
Abnormal Load Notification
Information about how to notify the council of moving an abnormal load