Learner Achievement Awards 2024

Celebrating the success of adult learning
The West Berkshire Learner Achievement Awards continue to showcase the incredible success education and training can have on people's lives.
These annual awards celebrate the success of adult learning in West Berkshire, covering apprenticeships, professional, academic, and vocational courses and learning programmes that support families, communities and health and wellbeing.
Year on year, they highlight not only stories of incredible determination but reflect how learning has enabled people to change the direction of their lives and achieve their goals in difficult circumstances, often against all the odds.

The awards ceremony was held at Shaw House on 8th November and included guest speaker, Helen Saxton, a local author and a key part of the Dead Herring murder mysteries.
The event celebrated some incredible achievements including:
Nadiia Torpoka, the winner of our Outstanding Achievement Award, escaped from Ukraine in 2022 with no job, no secure home and with limited knowledge of the UK culture and language. After completing a range of English courses at The Vici Language Academy, including specific business and technical language skills, she is now working within the UK Hydro Engineering industry.
Tom Allport, winner of our Skills for Life Award, wanted to change careers and, in his late 30s, embarked on a Level 3 Business Administration apprenticeship. During his studies Tom became unwell and struggled to gain his Maths Level 2, an essential part of his apprenticeship programme. Despite having to attend regular medical tests and consultant appointments he studied hard, attending additional sessions while working full-time. Eventually he passed his maths, has gone on to achieve a distinction in his apprenticeship and is now in a good position to achieve his career goals.
The Return to Learning Award went to Charlotte Davies who attends the Central Family Hub in Thatcham. Charlotte's story highlights the importance of learning to develop confidence and take on life changing opportunities. From being a shy, new mum living in a remote rural community, Charlotte was persuaded to enrol on a range of courses that have given her the skills, knowledge and self- belief to move forward. She is now volunteering at the Hub and is hoping to embark on a Level 3 childcare course to develop a career in the Early Years sector.
The Learner Achievement Awards are organised by West Berkshire Council on behalf of the Community Learning Partnership and sponsored by Newbury College, the Newbury Community Resource Centre and West Berkshire Training Consortium.
Learner Achievement Awards Winners

Determination Award
Winner: Linda Turner who attends Creative Communities
Presented by Helen Saxton
Return to Learning Award
(sponsored by Newbury Community Resource Centre)
Winner: Charlotte Davies who attends the Central Family Hub, Thatcham
Presented by Kelvin Hughes, Chief Executive of NCRC
Tutor, Trainer and Teacher Award
Winners: Michelle Gilbert (WBTC) and Gina McGuinness (Newbury College)
Presented by Helen Saxton
Inspiring Others Award
Winner: Rona Maail who attends Educafe
Presented by: Cllr Heather Codling, Executive Portfolio Holder: Children, Education and Young People
Adult Apprenticeship Award
(sponsored by West Berkshire Training Consortium)
Winner: Cara Giles-Allen, Occupational Therapist, West Berkshire Council
Presented by Craig Mincher, Executive Director, WBTC
Group Award
Winner: A2/B1 English Class, Vici Language Academy
Presented by Helen Saxton
The Terry Stares Award
(In memory of Terry Stares, Volunteer, Trainer and Trustee of the NCRC)
Winner: Elena-Ramona Zamfir who attends the West Family Hub, Newbury
Presented by Pauline Stares
Skills for Life Award
(sponsored by Multiply)
Winner: Tom Allport who completed his studies at WBTC
Presented by Helen Saxton
Outstanding Achievement Award
(sponsored by Newbury College)
Winner: Nadiia Torpoka who attends The Vici Language Academy
Presented by Beccy Monteith, Head of Adult Learning, Newbury College