Kennet Leisure Centre
Information about the Kennet Leisure Centre in Thatcham
Please check the centre's website for their latest opening times and to book available class, gym and swimming sessions.
Contact number: 01635 871 112
- Kennet Leisure Centre
- Stoney Lane
- Thatcham
- West Berkshire
- RG19 4LJ
Please check the Kennet Leisure Centre website for opening hours and timetables.
Accessibility Information

At this centre we offer the following facilities to ensure the centre is accessible to everyone:
- Disabled Parking Bays
- Hearing Loop
- Accessible Toilets
- Braille Signage
- Accessible Shower
- Pool Hoist
- Accessible Gym Equipment
- Lift
- Graduated Steps Into The Pool
If you require any centre information in large print, braille or an alternative language, please contact the centre reception.