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Hungerford Neighbourhood Plan

Development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Hungerford

Consultation on the draft neighbourhood plan for Hungerford (regulation 14 pre-submission consultation)

On 16 February 2024, Hungerford Town Council Parish Council published the first draft of the neighbourhood plan, also known as a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for consultation. The consultation (known as the Regulation 14 consultation) closed at 5pm on 29 March 2024. 

You can find further details about the consultation on Hungerford Town Council's website.

Please note that this consultation was the responsibility of Hungerford Town Council and not West Berkshire Council. Any queries should be directed to:

Strategic Environmental Assessment

Consultants on behalf of Hungerford Town Council have prepared a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to support the NDP. SEA is required for all plans which may have a significant effect on the environment. A SEA aims to protect the environment at a high level, and ensures the environment is considered during the preparation of plans. This promotes sustainable development.

The SEA was subject to a six-week consultation between 16 February 2024 and 5pm in 29 March 2024. You can find further details about the consultation on Hungerford Town Council's website.

Neighbourhood Area Designation

A Neighbourhood Area for the Parish of Hungerford was designated on 9 April 2018; you can Icon for pdf view the Designation Notice online, here [727KB] . This is the first formal stage in the preparation of a neighbourhood plan.

In order to prepare a neighbourhood plan, town or parish councils must notify West Berkshire Council of their intention to designate a neighbourhood area. You can read the Icon for pdf Hungerford Neighbourhood Area application form online [781KB] .

Hungerford Town Council have set up a website containing more information about their forthcoming neighbourhood plan.

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