Getting married in Church or Abroad

Religious Weddings
If you're getting married in a Church of England church you should make all your arrangements with the minister of that church. They will advise you about Banns of Marriage, fees and other legal formalities. (For more information about getting married in church, please see the 'Your Church Wedding' page on the Church of England website.) Once your marriage has taken place you or your minister should return the necessary paperwork to the Register Office and you will need to contact us to obtain and pay for your marriage certificate.
If you are marrying at any other religious building you should first contact the minister for that building. You will need to check if they have their own appointed person to complete the legal paperwork during the ceremony. If not, you will need to contact us and book a registrar for the day. Usually the building must be in the registration district in which you or your partner live, or be the usual place of worship of one of you, therefore you should contact your local Register Office to book an appointment do the relevant civil preliminaries, which must be completed no later than 28 days before your marriage.
Marrying Abroad
If you are planning to get married abroad you must comply with the legal requirements of that country. You must contact the relevant embassy for further information and if they ask you to produce a Certificate of No Impediment you should contact the Register Office in the district where you live. You can visit to obtain more specific details about the requirements of different countries.
For further information on any of the above please telephone 01635 279230 or email