A Flying Start with Letters and Sounds
A multi-sensory, systematic, synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department of Education.

- develop good language skills and a wide vocabulary
- foster a love of reading
- acquire the skills to read independently as indicated by the phonic check
- secure the physical skills to write in order to successfully record the graphemes they have learnt
A Flying Start with Letters and Sounds recognises the importance of phase 1 and its role in working alongside the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. The programme enables children to start learning letter sounds early in Reception, and provides a structured route for children to meet the expected standard in the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.
A Flying Start with Letters and Sounds is an affordable option for schools. The programme follows the Letters and Sounds progression which means that it may complement decodables schools already have. The programme also aligns with Pearsons Education Limited Bug Club phonics books.
A Flying Start with Letters and Sounds core annual subscription provides:
- a comprehensive teaching manual on how to deliver the programme
- a clear daily teaching sequence and progression charts that follow the letters and sounds order
- additional time in the teaching sequence to develop phase 1 and the 'love of reading'
- detailed weekly plans and teaching slides
- a book audit to establish which books are fully decodable in your current book stock
- multi-sensory activities and games
- a range of resources to support teaching: grapheme grid posters, tricky word cards, flash word cards, grapheme cards, table top friezes to support letter formation
- regular 'spot check' days/weeks to ensure children 'keep up' rather than needing to 'catch up'
- trackers and a gap analysis spreadsheet to monitor progress and identify quickly children who are at risk of falling behind so swift action can be taken
- an intervention programme that works alongside the programme and provides approaches for children who are at risk of falling behind, are in the lowest 20% of achievers and who are more able
- high-quality training that underpins the pedagogy of early reading at each phase
- links with other practitioners using the programme to share best practice and support professional development
For more information, please contact: FlyingStartLS@westberks.gov.uk.