Types of flood risk
Our flood risk and drainage pages are currently under development. This means we may be making further changes to the information on the pages below in the future.
For information on how to report flooding, visit our report flooding page.
Surface water flooding
![A diagram showing a rain cloud raining onto a hill. The water flows down the hill towards a house.]()

Rain that doesn't drain away or flows overland putting people, property or critical infrastructure at risk.
Contact the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA): West Berkshire Council.
River (fluvial) flooding
![A diagram of a river next to a house. The river water level is high and there is water at the bottom of the house.]()

Main rivers that overtop their banks or breach embankments/flood defences putting people, property or critical infrastructure at risk.
Contact the Environment Agency.
Groundwater flooding
![A diagram showing water underneath a house. The water level has risen up into the house.]()

Water which rises from the ground or emerges from slopes putting people, property or critical infrastructure at risk.
Contact the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA): West Berkshire Council.
Highway flooding
![A diagram showing a cross section of a road with the water level above the road surface.]()

Water within the highway that is not draining away or is making the road dangerous.
If it's on the M4 or A34, contact National Highways.
For all other roads contact West Berkshire Council.
Sewer flooding
![A diagram of a splash of water coming up through a circular drain hole.]()

Water from public sewer systems, often identifiable by discharge from manhole covers. Can cause highway flooding, property flooding, and health and safety concerns.
Contact the water and sewerage company (Thames Water).
For reservoir flooding, coastal and tidal flooding, contact the Environment Agency.
You can see long term flood risk maps showing surface water, fluvial, coastal and reservoir flood risk on GOV.UK.
Please also refer to the appendices within West Berkshire Councils Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) for other useful flood risk related maps.