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West Berkshire First Homes Policy

First Homes are a type of affordable housing whereby market homes are sold at a discounted price for first-time buyers. The West Berkshire First Homes Policy sets out the framework by which the Council will deliver First Homes in West Berkshire.

What are First Homes?

In May 2021 the Government introduced a new type of affordable housing called 'First Homes'. First Homes are a new affordable housing product that allow first-time buyers, with a maximum income of £80,000, to buy a property with a 30% discount off the market value, with a maximum price of £250,000 after the discount has been applied. Future resales of First Homes must also be discounted by 30%, to ensure the properties remain affordable in perpetuity.

National policy requires that at least 25% of the affordable housing built as part of new residential developments must be First Homes.

National policy on First Homes allows local authorities to impose a lower price cap and introduce a higher discount of 40% or 50% if there is evidence of need to support this. Local authorities are also allowed to apply a lower income cap or specify their own local eligibility criteria.

West Berkshire First Homes Policy

The Council's First Homes Policy was approved at Executive on 9 June 2022, and it can be viewed Icon for pdf here [239KB] . It sets out the definition of First Homes, the nationally and locally agreed eligibility criteria for buying and letting First Homes in West Berkshire, the qualification process, how First Homes will be delivered, and the review and complaints procedure. It sets out the definition of First Homes, the nationally and locally agreed eligibility criteria for buying and letting First Homes in West Berkshire, the qualification process, how First Homes will be delivered, and the review and complaints procedure.

It does not set a higher discount because this would not be viable. It does however set out a local connection criteria because there is a high need for affordable housing within West Berkshire, with an affordability ratio of 9.41. This means that property prices are 9 times the average income. Setting local connections criteria gives first time buyers with a connection to the area priority access to affordable housing.

The local connection criteria which requires buyers of First Homes to have lived or worked within the District Council's boundary for a period of three years before purchasing the property, or be returning to the area to care for a relative or dependent who lives within the District Council's boundary.

Where can I find further information on First Homes?

Further information can be found in the First Homes Frequently Asked Questions document which can be viewed Icon for pdf here [381KB] . If you have any further queries on First Homes, please contact the Housing Development Team:


Telephone: 01635 519 111

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