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Our systems for Council Tax and Benefits are down for scheduled maintenance from Friday 28th February to Monday 3rd March 2025 whilst we carry out our annual billing processes. Council Tax online services will be unavailable, and we will be unable to access your up-to-date account information. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Refreshing a Community Plan

Updating your plan to meet the changing needs of your community

We suggest updating, or 'refreshing', your Community Plan (also known as a 'Parish Plan') every five years. This helps it to stay current and to accurately reflect the needs of your community.

New issues arise all the time - they could be caused by a change in your parish population, or by a need for new services that weren't foreseen at the time of the original plan, for example. Communities often find a refresh is a natural next step following successes with delivering projects from their first plan.

Please see our Icon for pdf guide to carrying out a refresh of Community or Parish Plan [1MB]  to find out what you need to do.

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