Burghfield Neighbourhood Plan
Development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Burghfield
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment
West Berkshire Council undertook a screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA). You can read the
and the online.SEA is required for all plans which may have a significant effect on the environment. A SEA aims to protect the environment at a high level, and ensures the environment is considered during the preparation of plans. This promotes sustainable development.
Not all neighbourhood plans will require a SEA to be carried out. To decide if a SEA is required, a screening exercise is used to look at proposals in an emerging neighbourhood plan, and see if a significant effect is likely.
A HRA is required to determine if a neighbourhood plan would have a significant impact upon the integrity of nature conservation sites of international importance, such as Ramsar Sites, Special Areas of Conservation, and Special Protection Areas. If a plan is likely to result in significant impacts, then an assessment referred to as an Appropriate Assessment must be undertaken.
Neighbourhood Area Designation
A Neighbourhood Area for Burghfield Parish was designated on 1 March 2017; you can
.In order to prepare a neighbourhood plan, town or parish councils must notify West Berkshire Council of their intention to designate a neighbourhood area. This is the first formal stage in preparing a neighbourhood plan. You can read the
online.The Parish Council have set up a website containing more information about their forthcoming neighbourhood plan.