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Budget Proposals 2025/26: Discontinue the Mobile Library Service

Help us balance our budget.

Consultation status Results expected
Start date: 2024-11-11
End date: 2024-12-23
Results 2025-02-28
Category: Schools, Learning and Libraries, Your West Berkshire

Activity closed.

Balanced scales


The Mobile Library Service has been operating in West Berkshire for over 40 years. It currently travels to 76 locations, including public service stops, schools, nurseries, sheltered housing, a community café, and a hospital. The service provides access to 1,500 items of fiction, non-fiction, large print, spoken word CDs and a selection of children's books. Book reservations are provided as well as general information.  

The frequency of Mobile Library visits is currently six-weekly. You can find details of stops, dates, and times on the library webpages.

Use of the Mobile Library Service has been in decline over recent years. Until 2017/18, there were two mobile library vehicles, but following a Libraries Review it was decided to retire the larger vehicle. The smaller vehicle was retained, but the service has been subject to further decline. 

Data shows that many residents who use the Mobile Library service, also borrow books from the physical library buildings. Only 239 residents solely used the Mobile Library Service in 2023/24.

The 2024/25 budget for the Mobile Library and At Home Service is £86,880 and covers two full-time posts, as well as vehicle costs. The Mobile Library costs approximately £42,000.


Name of costAmount (£)
Saving on staffing: Mobile Driver Post - currently vacant£33,020
Saving on vehicle costs£9,060
Total saving£42,080

Legislative and Statutory Requirements

The council has a statutory obligation to provide a 'comprehensive and efficient' library service under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964.

What we are proposing

To discontinue the Mobile Library Service from 1 April 2025.  The Mobile Driver post will be removed from the staff establishment, and this will reduce expenditure by £42,080 annually out of a total budget of £86,880 for the Mobile Library and At Home service.

What we think the impact will be

The number of residents this proposal will affect is small, and to ensure they are not disadvantaged by the discontinuation of the Mobile Library Service, we propose the following enhancements to the current library offer. This will not only benefit current Mobile Library users, but all West Berkshire residents:

Expansion of the library 'At Home' service

Residents unable to visit static library buildings and therefore meeting the criteria for the library 'At Home' service, will be matched with a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) checked volunteer. The volunteer would then spend time getting to know the reading tastes of the resident to enable them to choose and deliver a selection of books to them in their own home every three weeks.  

The delivery of this service will not be restricted to a timetable of set locations and can be delivered anywhere in West Berkshire, therefore increasing accessibility.

Customers with mobility issues can receive book deliveries in their own homes rather than having to attempt to access the Mobile Library Service.

Community outreach 

Visits to settings, for example, pre-schools, and community cafes, to deliver Library services could increase, subject to interest from the community.

Pop-up libraries

Parish and town councils have been offered a selection of additional pop-up Library Services, at a cost to them, for example, mini-library, community bookshelf. 


Residents will continue to have the option of borrowing a vast selection of books/magazines/newspapers through the e-library service, free of charge. Help in accessing these digital services can be provided by library staff and volunteers.

Icon for pdf Please refer to the Equity Impact Assessment to see what has already been identified [335KB] .

What else we have considered before arriving at our proposal

The current diesel Mobile Library vehicle is 18 years old, and maintenance costs are increasing year on year.  

If this service were to continue in its current form, a new vehicle would be required. As part of reviewing this service, the council has investigated the cost of replacing the vehicle with a like for like electric version, which would cost approximately £200,000. In view of the significant investment required, combined with the diminishing usage of the service, this option has been discounted.

Why we want your views

We'd like to know what you think of our proposal, how it might affect you and the wider community, and any suggestions you may have on how we could minimise any potential negative effects, should we proceed. We'll also ask you a little bit about yourself, for example, if you're a service user or how old you are, but you cannot be identified from your answers.

How to take part

Our survey closed at midnight on Monday, 23 December 2024.

If you have any questions about the consultation, please email,

For general enquiries about our library services, please visit our webpage.


Do you or someone you know, find it difficult to visit the library because of age, disability, or other special circumstance? Please contact our At Home service to find out if we can help.

What happens next

All feedback will be analysed by the service, and a recommendation made to elected Members as part of the budget papers for 2025/26 at the Executive meeting on Thursday, 13 February 2025. A final decision whether to proceed with the proposal will then be made by elected Members at the meeting of Full Council on Thursday, 27 February 2025.

The recommendations will also be reviewed and discussed by members of the Scrutiny Commission on Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Shortly after the Full Council meeting, a summary of the responses we received and the decisions taken will be published on this page.

If the decision is made to proceed with this proposal, the service will cease on 31 March 2025.

All meetings will be open to the public, and residents can attend either in person at the Market Street Offices or online. If you'd like to ask a West Berkshire Councillor a question at a public meeting, find out what can and can't be asked, and how to submit your question here.

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