Blocked driveways and obstructions
What to do if your driveway is frequently blocked or obstructed by parked cars.
Unfortunately, there is an increasing demand for on-street parking. Many households have more than one vehicle and many private off-street parking areas are not able to meet this capacity.
Although no one has the absolute right to park on the public highway, you are permitted to do so as long as you are not going against any restrictions or causing an obstruction or danger to others.
The public highway is available to use on a first come, first served basis. Your neighbour has just as much right to park outside your house as you do. However, we know that high demand sometimes leads to vehicles parked either fully or partially blocking a driveway (or vehicle access).
If your driveway is fully blocked
If your access is fully blocked, preventing a vehicle from leaving your property, you can call our Civil Enforcement Team on 01635 521905. If there is an officer available, we can visit the property and issue a Penalty Charge Notice. However, we do not have the powers to remove a vehicle.
If your driveway is frequently obstructed
If your access is frequently obstructed, making it difficult to exit your property, you can ask us to install what's known as an 'access protection marking' (for a fee).
This is a single white line with short end marks which is applied to the road across the full width of the access.

An access protection marking can only be placed across the width of your dropped kerb, as this is where obstruction is most likely to occur.
We also cannot put access protection markings on the opposite side of the road from your driveway or wider than your driveway. That would make the marking meaningless and lead to it being abused or ignored.
The marking is designed to deter inconsiderate parking by highlighting the presence of an access and has no legal significance.
See guidance above for vehicles fully blocking the public highway.
We do not install yellow lines to prevent vehicles blocking driveways. Permanent parking restrictions are mostly necessary where no other offence is being committed. In the case of wilful obstruction of the highway, Section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 or Section 22 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 are sufficient to convict the offender.
We do not have the funding to install or re-paint these markings free of charge.
For a line of reasonable length, the current charge is £267. For a wider than standard driveway access, you may be charged more, but you will be advised of the cost as part of the application process.
For shared driveways, the fee can be split between households. An invoice will be posted to each household once the marking is installed which will detail the different ways you can pay.
The fee covers the cost of installation only.
Replacing/re-painting the marking
The marking would be replaced if and when the road is resurfaced.
If the marking were to fade in the interim then you would need to pay another fee at the current rate to have the marking refurbished.
Request an access protection marking
If you would like to request an access protection marking, please email and tell us:
- your name
- address
- where you would like the marking to be placed (photos welcome)
- that you agree to pay the fee
An officer will then visit the site to make an assessment and arrange the works. The invoice will be posted to you once we have installed the marking.