Supporting rough sleepers this winter

02_Supporting rough sleepers this winter

02_Supporting rough sleepers this winter

During cold weather we work hard to support rough sleepers by providing a warm place to stay.

Our Winter Plan and Severe Weather Emergency Protocol, or SWEP, is a proactive plan to minimise the impact of cold weather on rough sleepers this winter across West Berkshire. 

Beds are set aside to ensure anyone who is verified as sleeping rough can have access to accommodation 24/7 to be safe and warm.

It helps the small number of people who are not normally eligible for services, choose to sleep rough or have previously refused support from housing services and feeds into a broader programme of activity to tackle homelessness in the district.


If you spot a rough sleeper, here is some information on what you can do:

  • Report a rough sleeper to Streetlink on:
    If you are a rough sleeper you can also self-refer yourself via Streetlink
  • Contact our Rough Sleeper Team:
  • If you think the person you are concerned about is in immediate danger or needs urgent care, please call 999
  • Donate to local homeless charities rather than directly to individuals


More information about the support available for rough sleepers can be found here.

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