Sharing is Caring

Could you share your home and life with someone who needs care and wants to be part of a family? You could become a Shared Lives Carer.
Meet Ann and Jamie.
Jamie has been living with Ann, his Shared Lives Carer since 2022. He has lots of interests including gaming and watching TV and films. He also likes to collect games and films and enjoys browsing local shops to find them. Jamie has Down Syndrome and needs some support from Ann to live more independently within Ann's home.
A typical day begins with Ann getting Jamie up and helping him get ready for the day. Life is never dull, and the pair have a busy social life.
Jamie attends local day activities during the week, his favourite is Drama.
Friday night is 'movie night, when Ann and Jamie will pick a film together and grab a takeaway treat.
They also go to 'Breakfast Club' on Saturdays with other carers and service users at a local café where they enjoy food, socialising and having a good time.
Ann says...
Jamie is very much a part of my family, we have lots of laughs together. Being a Shared Lives Carer is fabulous, I really enjoy my time with Jamie and helping him live the best life he can.
Jamie says...
Ann is an amazing carer and I love staying with her. I enjoy seeing her family when they visit, especially during the holidays.
Click gere to find out more about becoming a Shared Lives Carer, emailing or calling 01635 520173.

We're looking for new foster carers to provide loving, nurturing homes for children of all ages, long and short term.
Please contact us today:
Phone 01635 503155