Find your voice - choose your next Police & Crime Commissioner
A notice of election has been published for the PCC Elections

A notice of election has now been published so that people living in West Berkshire will be able to vote for their next Thames Valley Area Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) on Thursday 2 May.
PCC elections have been held every four years since 2012, apart from 2020 when they were delayed for one year by the pandemic. It's an important election, as the job of the PCC is to ensure the policing needs of communities are met effectively and to oversee how crime is tackled in the Thames Valley.
Nigel Lynn, Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) for the Thames Valley and Chief Executive of West Berkshire Council said:
"It's time to start thinking about who you want as your next Police and Crime Commissioner. They are elected by you and answerable to you, so you have an important role to play is selecting the right person."
We will be accepting candidate nominations for the PCC election from Monday 25 March-Friday 5 April.
Anyone interested in standing should email with their name, stating whether they are a prospective candidate or agent, and give contact email address and telephone number(s).
More information can be found here our PCC election webpage.
Useful links and dates
The list of candidates standing for election will be published on Monday 8 April. Electors will be able to read the PCC candidates' manifestos from 10 April at
Anyone registered to vote will be eligible to have their say in the election. The voter registration deadline for the PCC election is 11:59pm on Tuesday 16 April. Registering to vote only takes five minutes and can be done online at
The result of the election will be announced on Saturday 4 May at Newbury Racecourse.
To find out more about the role of Police and Crime Commissioners visit
The role of the Police and Crime Commissioner
This video from the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners tells you more about the role of the PCC and why you should vote at the upcoming election.