Depressed by Jon Yates
I was here just now, I must have regressed
Certainty and confidence have been repressed
Stature, in my mind, has been compressed
My self-possession, itself has been possessed
How is this so? How am I duressed?
How can my soul have been so absessed?
How can my feelings at once be supressed?
When my nervous system is plainly undressed
To get to my limit was I so obsessed?
Seek help! Thoughts and feelings must be assessed
Shame and preservation must be transgressed
Private thoughts, to a stranger confessed
Then such thoughts, by the stranger finessed
Ideas, like a balm for the brain, impressed
Soothing and healing, the soul caressed
Then slowly but surely, confidence is progressed
It's a faltering journey, easily digressed
Own your own feelings and you will be blessed
Not cured for ever, but no longer depressed
Did that happen to me, who would have guessed?