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The Community Café by Mary Lapworth

Posted by: Mary Lapworth on 13 October 2023 14:55

Entering the library clutching overdue books,

Gives me a cause to check out the Community Café.

I need to make some friends here....

But its probably not my thing,

I don't have to stay, I'm just having a look.

Groups of people chatter, standing cups in hand......

IT sessions, English lessons, animated voices.

In the Children's section, storytelling starts,

Shrieks' and cries, kids run around.....

I'm just aghast at this level of sound.....

Libraries used to be serene,

I don't think this is quite my scene.


I head upstairs to Geography and Travel

Medicine and Politics before I unravel.


Behind the History tomes I lurk, and spy a group of Ladies.

Around a table, bags on floor,

 Skinny and tall, short and stout....

Wearing elasticated trousers, no doubt......

I think I know what they're about.....

This is the Knit and Natter group,

(though also known as Stitch and Bitch!).

Needles flashing, fingers a blur,

Knit one, make one, plain and purl.

"Sonia's got a new boyfriend,"

"Our Tracey 's had a girl".

Does anyone fancy a cuppa?....Yes, two sugars in mine,

And while you're at it, have a look,

And see if they've put the bourbons out!"

"And how's your leg today, Gill?

-Has that doctor changed your pills"?

"Has your Jason got a job"?

"Na, he's sat in front o' telly all day watching 'Olympics in Beijing.

Or tweeting on 'is mobile and down at pub all evening".


Cheerful, chatting Ladies, knitting rests on bosoms.

I wonder....could I join them?

.......But they're really not my sort.

They'd probably think I was too posh

With my smart clothes and educated voice,

They wouldn't want me pushing in,

I sigh and start to turn away,

I wouldn't know what to say......

But then, the tall one spots me hiding and looks me in the eye......

A warm smile beckons, she's nodding me to come over,

Perhaps they're not so scary?

I think she's welcoming me?

Last modified: 13 October 2023 14:56

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