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Register a Hairdresser or Barber Business licence is required to ensure the business complies with heath and safety laws.
Apply For A Hackney Carriage (Taxi) Drivers Licence for the grant / renewal of a licence to drive a Hackney Carriage vehicle within the District of West Berkshire.
Apply for a Hackney Carriage (Taxi) Vehicle Licence to West Berkshire District Council for the grant / renewal of a licence to use as a Hackney Carriage within the District of West Berkshire
Apply to Join the Community Panel your opinion on issues of local importance
Appeal Against a Parking Penalty Charge you feel you shouldn't pay a Penalty Charge Notice you have received
Complete a Designated Teacher's PEP Submission designated teachers to submit information in advance of a Personal Education Planning meeting for a child in care.
Refer a Young Carer a referral for a Young Carer (up to the age of 18 years old) who resides in West Berkshire and has a caring role for a member of their family.
Using Data to Combat Depression we're using data from a digital service to combat depression and isolation
Apply to be a School Governor for Nomination and Appointment as a Local Authority School Governor in a Maintained School explains more about how we use the data you give us on this fo...
Car Parking and services related to car parking, including details of West Berkshire car parks, parking charges and permits