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Ask About a Room Booking at Shaw House and meeting rooms video, projector and audio equipment.
Apply for Tree Works or to Remove a Hedgerow works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) or are in a Conservation Area, or if you intend to remove a hedgerow
Book Lambourn Library£10 per hour for up to 10 people
My Family Plan it easier to offer early help
Appeal Against a School Transport Decision page shows services for appealing against a school transport decision. You can .
Apply for Free Home to School Transport for free transport between home and school for West Berkshire residents
Apply for Post-16 SEN transport assistance for students with Special Educational Needs aged 16-25 attending a special school, resource unit, iCollege, or further education college. T...
Find Out if Your School is Closed as a result of emergencies, bad weather or industrial action
Apply for a School Place a place for a child at a primary or secondary school
Apply for Free School Meals for children whose families are in receipt of benefits such as income support or income based job seeker's allowance