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Old Bath Road, Newbury and Speen proposals for footway and other highway improvements on a section of Old Bath Road.
How to become a Shared Lives Carer about becoming a Shared Lives Carer, links to further guidance and contact details.
Supporting People with a Learning Disability to find support for people with learning disabilities.
Supporting People with Physical Disabilities to find support for people with physical disabilities
Support Leaving Hospital (Joint Care Pathway) adults to return home from hospital safely and in a timely way.
Asking a Question at a Meeting to submit a question to be answered by West Berkshire Councillors at a public meeting.
Recycling collections out what you can recycle from the kerbside.
Recycling plastic pots, tubs and trays Berkshire Council is pleased to announce that residents can now add certain clean plastic pots, tubs, and trays to their kerbside recycling bags for collec...
Wraparound Childcare goal is to make life easier for working parents or carers by offering reliable care that helps children start and finish their school day smoothly.
About Consultation and Engagement and responding to our communities through consultations and engagement.