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Local offer: careers and employment to further advice and services relating to employment and careers.
Proof of Life Validation you are a British, Irish, and Commonwealth or European Union citizen and receive a pension from another country, we can validate your Proof of Life form. Thi...
Multiply Online Courses Multiply online programme is a range of short, free courses to help you develop your numeracy skills in everyday situations.
Council Tax Open Data published under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act about Council Tax.
Post-16 SEN Home to School Transport for post-16 Special Educational Needs students between home and school or college
Environment Environment department comprises two services: Climate Change and Highways & Transport Innovation.
Housing and Development availability of quality housing, affordable housing and other developments within the district is important for its success.
Read the current Local Plan out more about what the Local Plan is and how we use it as part of the overall Development Plan for West Berkshire
Register for the Planning Policy Consultation Database out how to get involved in the Local Plan and other Planning Policy documents
Applying for Primary School Places out how to apply for a reception year school place in an infant or primary school, or a year three place in a junior school.