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Privacy Notice - Therapeutic Thinking Support Team (TTST) (Adobe pdf files) Notice This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use your personal data, and your rights in relation to that...
Privacy Notice - Virtual School Referrals (Adobe pdf files) Notice This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use your personal data, and your rights in relation to that...
Privacy Notice - West Berkshire Public Health and Wellbeing (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data to help us wi...
Privacy Notice - Virtual School Laptops (Adobe pdf files) Notice This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use your personal data, and your rights in relation to that...
Privacy Notice - Work Experience Applications (Adobe pdf files) Notice This privacy notice applies to students applying for work experience placements with West Berkshire Council. This document describes how and why ...
Privacy Notice- Vaccinations Booking System (Adobe pdf files) Notice: Vaccination Pop Up Clinics This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect...
Privacy Notice - West Berkshire Wellbeing (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why West Berkshire Wellbeing collects, stores, protects, process and shares the data you give to us. We collect p...
Privacy Notice - Young Health Champion (Public Health) (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data in our capaci...
Privacy Notice - Education Welfare and Safeguarding Service (Adobe pdf files) Notice This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use your personal data, and your rights in relation to that...
Privacy Notice - Education Participation and NEET Support (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data to help us to...