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Housing Strategy 2020 to 2036 and find out more about our Housing Strategy.
Housing Grants and Loans Policy out more and download out grants and loans policy, focused on helping vulnerable people to have decent homes.
Tenancy Strategy Registered Providers in creating Tenancy Policies.
Council Tax, Benefits and Housing and services relating to Council Tax, Housing Benefit and housing options, advice and development
Four Houses Corner Traveller Housing Site about the Four Houses Corner (FHC) traveller site, what kind of accommodation the site provides and about reopening the site
'Freeman on the land' and challenges to paying Council Tax about liability for paying Council Tax and 'Freeman on the land'.
Discretionary housing payment (DHP) application form complete this application form if you would like extra help towards your Housing costs
Council Tax Charges 2021/22 (Excel documents) Name @ A B C D E F G H Adult Social Care £75.64 £90.77 £105.90 £121.03 £136.16 £166.42 £196.68 £226.93 £272.32 ROYAL BERKSHIRE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE ...
Your Council Tax Guide 2021/22 (Adobe pdf files) How we calculate your bill The Valuation Office has placed every property into one of eight valuation bands A to H. These bands were determined on 1 April 19...
Council Tax Charges 2021/22 (Excel documents) Precept @ A B C D E F G H Aldermaston £1,069.81 £1,283.78 £1,497.73 £1,711.70 £1,925.66 £2,353.59 £2,781.51 £3,209.44 £3,851.32 Aldworth £1,086.90 £1,304...