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Looking After Your Mental Health about mental health and wellbeing, and how you can get help
Sensory Needs for those, of any age, with significant or clinically diagnosed sight and/or hearing loss
Planning pre-application advice service our pre-application planning advice service before making a planning application can help things go more smoothly.
Complaints to make a complaint to the council, the complaints processes and where to make other types of complaint.
A Flying Start about our Flying Start programmes, including our phonics programme 'A Flying Start with Letters and Sounds' and our school readiness programme 'A Fl...
Local List of Documents (Adobe pdf files), LIST, PLANNING, APPLICATION, DOCUMENTS, SUBMISSION, REQUIRED Local List of Documents Local List of Documents Required for the Submission of Planning and ...
School Term and Holiday dates 2026/27 (calendar view) (Adobe pdf files) Term & Holidays 2026-2027 Draft programme of school term and holiday dates for West Berkshire schools for the academic year 2026-2027 September 2026 Octo...
Mineral extraction and waste management planning management, monitoring, enforcement and strategic policy making for Minerals and Waste development.
The Minerals and Waste Local Plan Minerals and Waste Local Plan forms part of the Development Plan for West Berkshire
Handout for Professionals Invited to Conference (Adobe pdf files) on Child Protection Conferences for Professionals This handout is intended to explain Child Protection Conferences to professionals who have been invit...