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Old Bath Road, Newbury and Speen proposals for footway and other highway improvements on a section of Old Bath Road.
How to become a Shared Lives Carer about becoming a Shared Lives Carer, links to further guidance and contact details.
Draft Prohibition of Driving Order (2025) on Bastion Street, Shaw-cum-Donnington (Ref: 9839) advertisement of Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the Bastion Street, Shaw-cum-Donnington.
Supporting People with a Learning Disability to find support for people with learning disabilities.
Supporting People with Physical Disabilities to find support for people with physical disabilities
Support Leaving Hospital (Joint Care Pathway) adults to return home from hospital safely and in a timely way.
On-Street Parking Charges (Adobe pdf files), PARKING, ON-STREET, CHARGES On-Street Parking Charges Parking charges for on-street parking in Newbury.
West Berkshire Council launches Council Tax e-billing our simple sign up for a greener and more convenient way to receive your bill West Berkshire Council is introducing e-billing to give you another way t...
Draft Waste Management Strategy Consultation Response Summary (Adobe pdf files) Waste Management Strategy Public Consultation: Responses Summary Introduction This report presents the findings of a comprehensive consultation on the Cou...
Draft Waste Management Strategy Consultation Responses by Question (Annex 1) (Adobe pdf files) Waste Management Strategy Consultation Responses by Question (Annex 1)