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Transition from Secondary School to Post-16 Education (PowerPoint) (Adobe pdf files) PDF of PowerPoint slides from a workshop on transitions from secondary school to post-16 education.
Teachers’ Handbook: Identification and Provision for Pupils with SEND (Adobe pdf files) 5-11years Teachers’ Handbook: Identification and Provision For Pupils with SEND Cognition and Learning Team West Berkshire February 2021 Cognition and ...
West Berkshire Council Operation Guidance on Education of Children who cannot attend school because of health needs (Documents) A GOOD EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN WHO CANNOT ATTEND SCHOOL BECAUSE OF HEALTH NEEDS West Berkshire Council Operational Guidance September 2022 Introduction ...
West Berkshire Council provision for SEN (PDF) (Adobe pdf files) for Children & Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in West Berkshire schools 1 Contents: Introduction 3 • The definiti...
West Berkshire Council’s expectations of schools concerning their arrangements for children with SEN and Disabilities (SEND) (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council’s expectations of schools concerning their arrangements for children with SEN and Disabilities (SEND)
Find housing information about Homechoice, the housing register, mutual exchange, shared ownership and our Housing Allocations Policy.
Housing strategies and policies Housing Strategy 2020 to 2036, Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, Grants and Loans Policy and Tenancy Strategy.
Housing needs and development information about affordable housing, housing needs and guidance for developers.
Housing advice: care leavers and young people and advice on housing options for young people and care leavers.
Housing advice: private renting on renting in the private sector, including what it is, how to find properties, deposits, rent, tenant rights and eviction.