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  • School streets: Calcot Infant and Junior School

    Find out about the consultation and implementation of our Calcot Infant and Junior School Streets Scheme.

  • School streets: Francis Baily Primary School (Academy)

    Find out about the consultation and implementation of our Francis Baily Primary School Streets Scheme.

  • Help with Eating Properly

    Practical solutions and advice on how to eat well

  • Tell us that you're moving home

    Let us know your change of address when you are moving home, whether you're moving into, out of or within West Berkshire.

  • Housing Allocations Policy

    Find out about (and view or download) the Housing Allocations Policy, which explains how social housing properties are allocated.

  • Report an Emergency Happening Now

    How to contact us during and outside of office hours, as well as other organisations to contact in different emergencies.

  • Charging schedule, rates, instalments and paying Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

    The charging schedule, charging rates (including indexation), instalment policy and how to pay.

  • Parking Charges

    Parking charges in council car parks and on-street areas

  • Trimming Vegetation

    As the Highway Authority, we are required to keep the highway free from obstructions, such as vegetation. Currently, we aim to remove any obstructions caused by...

  • Domestic Abuse

    Help and support for those experiencing domestic abuse.

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