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Business Rates Direct Debit instruction (Adobe pdf files) to your Bank or Building SociIentsytr uction to your Bank or Building Society to pay you’re Business Rate by Direct Dteob piaty by Direct Debit PPle...
2022/23 Council Tax leaflet (Adobe pdf files) Council Tax Guide 2022/23 This leafl et forms part of your Council Tax bill CCoouunncciill TTaaxx A) How we calculate your bill The Valuation Office has pl...
Council Tax bands and charges band, how much you need to pay and making a challenge.
Council Tax reduction, discounts and exemptions out about reductions, discounts or exemptions for your Council Tax bill, including Single Person Discount and Disabled Reduction and changes to the empty (...
Business Rates Credits as at 25th April 2024 (Excel documents)
Business rates credits as of 25 April 2024 (Excel documents)
Claim Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction to claim a reduction in rent through Housing Benefit and/or a reduction in Council Tax through Council Tax Reduction.
Benefits out about Housing Benefit (including appeals and overpayments), Council Tax Reduction, Winter Fuel Payment and benefit fraud, as well as our benefits calcu...
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) about what a HMO is and how you can apply on the Public Protection Partnership website.
Rent in advance and rent deposits with money required up-front to move into a rented property.