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Planning advice

Advice about listed buildings, conservation areas and historic environments.

You can also access advice and information from Planning Aid England (PAE) on the Royal Town Planning Institute website or the Planning Portal.

Listed buildings: planning advice

Information on listed buildings in West Berkshire, and West Berkshire Council's role in protecting them from damage or unneeded change.

Conservation areas: planning advice

Planning advice for development in a conservation area.

Local List of Heritage Assets

Recognising buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas and landscapes with special local architectural, archaeological or historic interest.

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)

Guidance on drainage for planning applications for new developments, re-developments and retrofitting existing developments, according to the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

Historic environment: planning advice

Ensuring that the historic environment is protected through the statutory planning system.

Sustainable construction and energy efficiency

Sustainability requirements for new development, non-residential and residential.

Planning pre-application advice service

Using our advice service before making a planning application can help things go more smoothly.

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