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Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) 2024

Voters in 41 police force areas in England and Wales (excluding London) will elect a Police and Crime Commissioner for their force area on 2 May 2024.

In 2021, Matthew Barber was elected Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley Police Area. 

On 4 May 2024, the votes will be counted and results will be available on this page on a local level for West Berkshire, and for the Thames Valley Police Area as a whole. You'll be able to download a summary of the votes broken down by authority here too.  

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) were introduced in the 41 police authorities across England in 2012. They are elected representatives who oversee how crime is tackled in a police force area. Their aim in to cut crime and to ensure the police force is effective. They are elected for a four year term. 

Further information about the role is available from Thames Valley PCC website or the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners

History of Police and Crime Commissioners

In previous elections, Police and Crime Commissioners were elected using the Supplementary Vote System (SV) which gave voters a first and second choice of candidate. This year, a single vote 'first past the post' system will be used. West Berkshire Council has been appointed as the Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) to conduct the elections across each area and declare the result.   

The Thames Valley Police Area is made up of 13 local authorities which have Local Returning Officers who are responsible for arranging and delivery the poll for the electors in their area. The number of votes counted in each local area are then collated by the PARO to provide the overall result. In 2024 the PARO for the Thames Valley Police Area is Nigel Lynne, who is also the Local Returning Officer for West Berkshire. 

The 13 local authorities which make up the Thames Valley Police Area are:

Information for candidates and agents

West Berkshire Council is responsible for the nominations process for this election. Please contact our Electoral Services Team for further information. 

If you intend to stand as a candidate at the Police and Crime Commissioner elections on Thursday 2 May 2024, please let us know as soon as possible. Please email or telephone 01635 519468 with your name, whether you are a prospective candidate or agent, contact email address and telephone number(s). Please put 'PCC Candidate details' as the subject.  

Notice of election will be published on Friday 22 March 2024.  Nominations must be submitted, by hand to the Police Area Returning Officer, from Monday 25 March 2024 between 10am and 4pm, by appointment, but no later than 4pm on Friday 5 April 2024.  Please allow up to two hours for your visit.  A deposit of £5000 is required during the period for the delivery of nomination papers.


Useful links

  • A Candidate & Agents briefing will take place at 4pm on Thursday 18 April 2024
  • Electoral Commission guidance to candidates and agents
  • Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities information about Police and Crime Commissioners
  • Statement of Persons Nominated (a list of those standing for election) will be available on this page no later than 4pm on  Monday 8 April 2024

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