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Notices of Election for Contested Town and Parish Elections 2023

Towns and Parishes in West Berkshire that were contested for the May 2023 elections

The pages below show the formal notices of election to town and parish that will be contested in the elections on 4 May 2023.

You find where to vote and the results on our West Berkshire Elections 2023 page, and you can view notices for uncontested elections here.

Newbury West Fields May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor (Adobe pdf files)

Newbury West Fields May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor

Stanford Dingley May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Parish Councillor (Adobe pdf files)

Stanford Dingley May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Parish Councillor

Thatcham Central May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor (Adobe pdf files)

Thatcham Central May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor

Thatcham Crookham May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor (Adobe pdf files)

Thatcham Crookham May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor

Thatcham North East May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor (Adobe pdf files)

Thatcham North East May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor

Thatcham West May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor (Adobe pdf files)

Thatcham West May 2023 Statement of Person Nominated - Election of a Town Councillor

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