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Council Tax Bills 2025/26

Council tax bills will be delivered in March 2025 and will set out how much council tax you need to pay in 2025/26.

Your bill will explain how much council tax you will need to pay, as well as how much we will be collecting on behalf of the fire and police services, and your town or parish council.

How much you pay depends on the value of your property and it is spent providing a wide range of services across the district, supporting communities and helping the district develop to meet future need.

You can see the 2025/26 rates on our Council Tax charges page.

West Berkshire Council's element of the 2025/26 bill has increased by 2.99% and the council has also chosen this year to a 2% rise in respect of the Adult Social Care Precept. This means a 4.99% increase is attributable to the council. It will be this increase which will be shown on your bill.

Please note that this % increase does not include any other increases made by other precepting authorities such as the police, fire service or parish and town councils.

We know that you may have a question about your bill or need to tell us about a change in your circumstances. You can find more information on our Council Tax webpages.


Information about your Council Tax bill

In this section:

When will I receive my new bill?

Bills will be dispatched the week commencing 11 March.

I paid by Direct Debit last year, do I need to do anything this year?

No, as long as you haven't cancelled your Direct Debit you don't have to do anything.

I pay by standing order, do I need to do anything?

Yes, you will need to amend your standing order with your bank to reflect your increased monthly payments.

Can I spread last year's arrears over this year's council tax year?

Yes, you can bring the remaining balance forward. You will need to contact our customer service advisors on 01635 519520.

Why does it still show a payment as outstanding when I've paid it?

The bills are based on the account balance when the 2025/26 bills were prepared on Friday 28 February. Whilst the bills aren't dispatched until March, any payments made after the 28 February unfortunately cannot be included on the Annual Bill. This could include any instalments which are due on the 1st, 15th, 21st or 28th March.

I don't pay council tax, why have I got a bill?

If your council tax is usually covered in full by benefits, discounts or exemptions, we are still required to provide you with a statement showing these have all been applied, even if it results in nothing being owed to us.

I live on my own, can I get a discount?

If you are the only person over the age of 18 living in the property, you can apply for a 25% discount. You can apply online via My Council Tax, or by contacting customer services on 01635 519520.

How can I pay my council Tax? 

You can find out about the different ways to pay your council tax here.

Am I on a ten or twelve month plan? When are my 'free months' council tax?

There are no 'free' months. The yearly amount due is calculated into either 10 or 12 monthly instalments, with 10 being the default.

You can opt to pay over 12 months by calling customer services on 01635 519520, or by signing up to manage your Council Tax account onlineIf you signed up for a My Council Tax account before 9th December 2024, you will need to sign up again using the new process explained on our sign up guidance pageIf you've already signed up using the new process, login to My Account and click the link under 'Council Tax'.

Can I sign up for e-billing?

You can now sign up to paperless billing via My Council Tax - follow our instructions for how to sign up and set up paperless billing here.

I am struggling financially, can I get any help?

Depending on your circumstance you may be entitled to some reduction. You can find out more on the Council Tax reduction, discounts and exemptions page.

Why have I received a bill showing the Council Tax for my unoccupied property has doubled?

From 1 April 2024, members have decided to add a 100% premium charge to properties which have been unoccupied and unfurnished for more than a year. If the property remains unoccupied after 5 years then a 200% premium is added. After 10 years a 300% premium is added to the bill.

From 1 April 2025, a 100% premium is also added to second homes, holiday homes, and furnished lets. 

You can find out more on our reduction, discounts and exemptions page.

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