Blacknest Lane Appeal
Site: Land Approximately 150 Metres South Of Brimpton Lane and West Of Blacknest Lane.
Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/W0340/W/24/334687 and APP/W0340/C/24/3351139.
West Berkshire Council Reference: 23/02984/FUL and 23/00682/15UNAU.
Inquiry dates: The Inquiry is being held as an in-person event at the Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury, opening at 10am on 14 January 2025 and is currently scheduled to last for 4 days.
You can access the appeal documents library (referred to as core documents, referenced with 'CD') and the enforcement appeal documents library below.
Blacknest Lane Appeal Inquiry Documents Library
The inquiry documents library includes all relevant documents that were reviewed and accepted by the inspector during the course of the inquiry.