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Three Steps Away by Pam Holbrook

Posted by: Pam Holbrook on 16 October 2023 10:53

Cold numbs my body; alcohol and drugs numb my mind.  I live to be unconscious, for to be conscious is to live in hell.

I am invisible.  I am the reflection no one wishes to see in wealthy Britain.   My story  would make you more afraid, because not so long ago I was your hero.  I was one of the 'brave' soldiers fighting in Afghanistan for Queen and Country.  I saw what should never be seen.  I trained for it, but nothing prepares you for the reality of war.  I got out but then began the nightmares followed by the rages and then the deep abyss into depression.   She left.

The drugs soothe my aching mind, but before too long my hero became heroin.  Funny that, hero is only two letters away from heroin and I got here in just three steps.  

Last modified: 16 October 2023 10:53

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