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Alone by Pam Holbrook

Posted by: Pam Holbrook on 13 October 2023 14:58

Her voice goes unheard

However loud she shouts

She seems invisible

Small and insignificant


Nose pressed against the window

Watching the scene inside unfolding

Its comforting warmth

Of people sharing and laughing


She turns away

Walking back along the tightrope

Wobbling, falling

Starting again


Even in the midst of a crowd

She feels an alien cloak

Tightly wrapped around her

A barrier to entry


Living within her inner self

Is much like being washed up

On a desert island



The yearning to belong

Remains strong and powerful

And as the tide turns

She tries to catch the wave


To find the like-minded souls

Who have lived and loved

Unafraid to show their tears

And live life authentically

Last modified: 13 October 2023 14:59

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